

Fuzz is a new band formed by Ty Segall and Charles Moothart. If you’ve read anything that I’ve posted in the past few months, you’ll know that I fucking love Ty Segall. This is a little different; there are only two tracks on this 7” EP and they’re both instrumentals. And like what everyone says, it sounds like Ty Segall and Black Sabbath mixed together. Which is fucking great. Check out the second song Fuzz’s Fourth Dream here.

TOP ALBUMS OF 2012: #5

Ty Segall & White Fence: Hair

As it should be to anyone who reads this’s surprise, Ty Segall & White Fence have made it into my top 5. This was the first of three releases this year. This being the best. It was also the very first time I heard Ty Segall. This is what got me hooked.  ”One, two, three four” are the first words you’ll hear being mumbled when this begins. Everything comes in at once; then, the sweet melody of the opening guitar solo comes in. It’s just so… so… so fucking great. It relaxes the most stressed of minds. You have no choice but to close your eyes and bob your head to the beat. Then, just when you least expect it, they turn the distortion on and soothe you with “ooh” back-up vocals. This is one of the greatest album openers I’ve ever heard. It seriously just gets me pumped to listen to the rest of the album every time I hear it. This is an album worth buying. This is what will make you want to go out and get a guitar and make music. 

TOP ALBUMS OF 2012: #12

Ty Segall Band: Slaughterhouse

It should be no surprise to anyone that reads this blog that I loved this album. This is the second of 3 releases put out this year by Ty Segall. This one is a little more abrasive, though. And it ends with a 10 minute noise jam called Fuzz War. A fitting name for it. 

TOP ALBUMS OF 2012: #15

Ty Segall: Twins

In case any of you haven’t realized, I fucking love garage/psych/rock bands. It just reminds me of the summer and it’s fucking awesome. Anyway, Ty Segall released 3 albums this year. 3! And what’s even better is that they’re all fucking great. All different enough to be on 3 different albums. This one is his “solo” album. It fucking rocks and it makes you just wanna jump to the beat with a bunch of other people in a mosh pit. 
Bonus fact: I went to Pitchfork Music Festival this year and he crowd surfed and I got to touch his sweaty back. It was awesome.