Where Are We Now? | David Bowie

Today, on David Bowie’s birthday, he announced that he is going to come out with a new album in March called The Next Day, and he released a single! The song is called Where Are We Now? It’s a very gloomy Bowie song, but still very awesome. Check it out for yourself.

Watch the video on his website

Death Grips: @deathgripz

Death Grips: @deathgripz
If you’ve been on the internet looking for new, forward thinking music, you’ve probably already heard of Death Grips. They have just released a new track for the Adult Swim Singles Program 2012 and it’s awesome. I wonder where these guys got this sample from. For some reason I want to imagine it a very young MC Ride saying something on some home video they found. This song is so fucking bassy. I cannot wait to hear it through my car speakers. According to Death Grips, this song has nothing to do with the upcoming album NO LOVE DEEP WEB. It doesn’t have the same feel or anything. It was just a song they happen to not use for The Money Store. It’s a nice track to keep us busy while we wait for their 2nd album of 2012. Also, check out the rest of the singles on the Adult Swim Singles Program. They have some awesome songs by some other awesome artists like Unknown Mortal Orchestra and Wavves and some people you’ve probably never heard before. Check it out.

This track is very very good. 

King Krule: Rock Bottom

King Krule: Rock Bottom

Have you guys heard this yet? It’s freaking amazing. If you’ve never heard of King Krule, you should most definitely check them out. It’s fronted by an 18 (19 maybe) year old named Archey Marshell. He’s got this super deep voice that you wouldn’t expect if you see what he looks like. I had the privilege of seeing them perform at this past Pitchfork Music Festival. It was pretty awesome. Anyway, here’s their new song Rock Bottom that is so perfect. I hope you feel the same way.

This track is musically enlightening.