Unknown Mortal Orchestra | II

Unknown Mortal Orchestra | II

Unknown Mortal Orchestra are a psych band based in Portland/Auckland. This is their second release titled II, how fitting. This time around, for the most part, instead of making super fast beat, almost punk songs, they’ve slowed down, a lot. Making sexy songs with deep bass grooves. Perfect example is So Good At Being In Trouble. I mean, look at the title. It sounds like it could be a sexy R&B song from the 70’s. They do, however, keep the same psych feel that was on their first album. Overall, this is a really good follow up to their first album. Definitely worth checking out
You can stream it on NPR right now, but albums on there usually don’t stay there for long. It comes out February 5th, by that time you should be able to hear it through Spotify. Or you can just buy it, because it’s really great.

Stream it here.


Fun Fact: I’m seeing them in March and Foxygen is opening up for them!

TOP ALBUMS OF 2012: #4

Fiona Apple: The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver of The Screw And Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do

Fiona Apple is a eerily skinny woman on piano that makes just as eerie music. This is an amazing album. If you really want to hear me go on about it, just read my very first review ever. But just take my advice and listen to it.